Tummy Tickler
There are good foods and bad foods that we can eat. Just because something tastes good, doesn’t mean it is good for us.
Have the kids feel their stomach muscles as they try a sit up.
Sit ups, Bicycles, Scissors, Cat Stretch, Snake Stretch Sign: Tummy, Snake, Cat

Giggle Til You Jiggle
Laughing is good for you.
Have everyone giggle before and during the song.
Shimmy, Scissors, Jazz Slide, Boogie-Woogie Wave, Paddle Turn
Sign Language
Laugh, Stomach

Betsy’s Garden
Betsy Bunny loves vegetables and thinks Farmer Joe plants his garden just for her.
Have the kids name their favorite veggies.
Tendu, 1st & 2nd Position, Sauté Hops, Chaînés Turn
Sign Language
Bunny, Garden, Vegetable, Fruit

Mouse With An Appetite
Our mouse eats a variety of foods from different food groups: Fruits & Veggies, Dairy and Protein, & Breads and Cereals.
Have the kids be as sneaky and quiet as a mouse!
Toe Taps, Shuffle Step, Swing Toe, Windshield Wipers
Sign Language
Mouse, Hungry

Went To The Zoo
Animals need to have a well balanced diet too.
Ask the kids which animals they have seen at the zoo.
Go to the zoo and pretend to be the animals. Chassé, Kicks, and Marches

Pretend that your fingers are like cars going over the bridge and tickle their tummies. Make sure you are spotting them with your hand under their back.